This weekend we begin the annual celebration of Catholic School’s Week. It is a blessing to our parish to have a vibrant Catholic School. It keeps us young and children and their parents become involved in parish life on every level. It is always great to see so many children in church on the weekends, as well as to have their prayers and good works benefitting our parish and the community around us.
When we think of Catholic education our first thought is of the formation in faith. Not only in their religion classes, but throughout the day as well, the call of faith and discipleship are reinforced by their teachers and the curriculum itself. We not only offer a full STEM based program, but are proud to supplement that through what is called STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics). To that end, we not only added a new dedicated science lab to our school building, we also remodeled the Art Lab as well. Through a generous donation of time, talent, and resources, a school family provided the means for the Art Lab. The School Arts Association funded the project. As great as it is to see our students working in the science lab, building small robotic devices, and working on their laptops or iPads, it is equally impressive to see them sketching, painting, sculpting, and learning to appreciate the great masters of art. When we say that: “Catholic Schools have it all” we mean precisely that we educate the whole person. Do we have shortcomings? Yes. Are financial concerns about maintaining our school a reality? Yes. Is our building as up-do-date in terms of its appearance and mechanicals as are most of the public schools in our area? No. But we do know that we offer a solid, faith based curriculum, and that our students succeed in the high schools that they attend.
One of the many factors in our school that is particularly impressive is the list of schools that the SBS graduates attend. While more of them attend St. John Vianney HS than any other singular school, we have good placement rates at the other competitive schools. A fair number of students attend the various specialized learning centers sponsored by Monmouth and Middlesex Counties, and others enroll in the academies in local school districts. We have graduates attending various Catholic Schools not only in the area but far afield as well (Seton Hall Prep and St. Peter’s, Jersey City), and even those who attend the more prestigious prep schools (e.g. Peddie) as well. They not only attend, but they are well-prepared and do well when they get there. We have a very good faculty here. The teaching styles vary widely, and the students get plenty of opportunity for individual and group work. Do we need some improvement? Sure, but so does every school. On balance, our small classes and personalized education enriches our students and serves them well.
I invite you to visit our school. Those of you with school-aged children, grandchildren, neighbors, are welcome to consider Saint Benedict school for their formation and education. It’s a good place to be.
Blessings to all our teachers, staff, students and their families.
Fr. Garry