As you have noticed The Angelus Shop kiosk in the narthex is inactive. The store has gone out of business and is being sold to a new owner. As I am not confident in partnering with the new owner, for a variety of reasons, I am investigating other options. The kiosk was very successful and well-received. I saw it more as offering a service to you as opposed to a business venture, though we did net about $1000 a quarter on sales. We also were able to buy regular church items at a deep discount, saving us money on the expense end as well. I am working with other Catholic religious good vendors in an attempt to develop a similar relationship with them. Hopefully we can have something up and running by Advent.
People are often looking for Holy Water to take to their homes for a variety of reasons. Getting water out of the Baptismal Font is not always a good option as it drips water all over the place. Through the generosity of a parishioner we have purchased a more traditional Holy Water dispenser (one with a tap) to make it easier. It is located in the Hall of Saints near the Crucifix.
Speaking of the Hall of the Saints, we are hoping to add Icons of other saints to the walls to expand the sense of the presence of the Saints in our midst. It is a nice space to sit in quiet prayer after lighting a candle. Through the generosity of the family of the late Dylan Vassallo the Twelve Apostles were added to the space. In addition to the statues of St. Benedict, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Anthony of Padua, and St. Jude, we have smaller icons all of which were removed from the school last year when we changed to different and more contemporary pictures of the Saints for the classrooms and hallways in the school. We will be publishing a list of available saints and the donation costs for the Icons.
The Knights of Columbus Chapter at St. Benedict has two big initiatives in the next few weeks. First, I would like to thank them for their support of CFC last weekend. Anything that we can do to support those in need of intervention and recovery from addiction is essential to the mission of the parish. Continuing with the work of the Knights, they had approached me a few months ago about praying a Rosary once a month on a Saturday before the 5:00 p.m. Mass. As October is the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary we felt that this month would be the best time to start. Beginning on Saturday, October 27th at 4:30 p.m., the Knights will lead us in the Rosary. This will be done on the last Saturday of each month going forward.
Next weekend the Knights are sponsoring their Second Annual Father-Son Communion Breakfast. This is open specifically for boys in the 7th and 8th grades from throughout the parish. There will be speakers from Christian Brothers Academy and St. John Vianney High School. We had a good turnout last year and hopefully we will have a good response this year as well. Mass at 9:30 a.m. and followed by the event. Please join us.
We are also still in need of Adorers for the Adoration Chapel. Please feel free to stop by the Chapel at any time of the day for prayer and adoration. If you can’t spend the hour, that is okay. As the Psalmist prays to the Lord: “One day within your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.”