I am writing after a long day of travel from Jerusalem to Petra, Jordan. We had an awesome pilgrimage experience and I am now exploring the other side of the Jordan River. Sadly, issues with his Visa prevented Fr. JM from continuing on this leg of the journey, so he got two extra days in Jerusalem — which is a wonderful thing to do — but he is disappointed that he was not able to continue on here.
I know you saw pictures last weekend of the parishioners who came with us. I expect Father will post more this weekend as well.
Having just completed the Way of the Cross in Jerusalem, I am keenly conscious of the beginning of Lent this week. This wonderful opportunity that the church gives us to reflect deeply on our own relationship with the Lord and to grapple with our own human sinfulness and weakness. While it is always easy to be conscious of the sins of others, and of course also the sins of the church itself, we must always begin with the splinter in our own eyes first.
As you will note in the bulletin there are plenty of opportunities to participate in Ash Wednesday services, both within Mass, and as a Liturgy of the Word. We have much going on in the parish during the Season. I hope you will take every opportunity to encounter the Lord more fully this Lenten Season.
As I previously mentioned, we will launch the ACA next weekend, please consider carefully your gift to this initiative.