It is that time again to focus on thinking about the year ahead as we reflect on the year that has passed. At St. Benedict 2016 was a very positive and productive year. We undertook several new initiatives through both the Faith Formation office and the school. We made some improvements to the physical plant both to the interior and the exterior. Overall the parish seemed to do well in 2016.
The question now stands as to what are the resolutions we have as a parish for 2017?
Certainly there are new initiatives coming through the diocese that will impact us. You will be hearing more about both Faith in Our Future and Faith to Move Mountains in the coming weeks. It is important that we focus on these initiatives as much of the programming that we are able to do as a parish will rely on these two points of focus. I ask you all to be open in mind and heart to the challenges that these programs place on us. Together we can move forward and make a positive impact on our community. The Faith Formation committee and the Pastoral Council are both working on ideas and plans to continue to advance our programs and our parish commitment to the new evangelization. Their work and insight are always impressive and the contributions they are making to the life of the parish are positive and forward thinking. We have many talented people who serve our parish in many ways. You will see the fruits of some of their work beginning in Lent this March.
The school is doing well and we are able to make some steps forward in the coming year. You will see an Open House ad for the school later in the bulletin announcing the opening of a Pre-K4 class for the coming school year! We are also moving forward with the development of the Middle School model for grades 6 – 8. This means some remodeling in the building and some staffing moves all of which are designed to enhance the programs we have while adding new ones. The Science Lab project, which I announced in the Fall, is developing and will be happening in Spring. These are very exciting times in the school for sure. One recent initiative in the school is the addition of an early morning care program beginning at 6:30 a.m. every day. Many parents need before school care and we were able to find the staffing to make this happen. Our first week was December 12th and the response has been positive. This is also a good program to have in the recruitment of new families to the school.
As individuals we also all make some personal assessment of where we are at the beginning of a new year. It is time for all of us to take stock of our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health and to make those necessary adjustments to get back on track so that we might all enjoy a strong, healthy and positive year ahead.
May the Lord, in his mercy, continue to grant to you and your families every good blessing and peace during this New Year!