Has Spring finally arrived? It’s been an unusual weather season so far, and it has certainly taken its toll on some of our plans. Unfortunately the May Crowning, which we intended to celebrate at the statue of Mary in the prayer garden, had to be inside as the heavy rains hit us. Hopefully, the end of school events, many of which are outside activities, can go forward as planned.
Spring also brings about the sound of the crack of the bat, as the softball league usually kicks off its season. Unfortunately, we will no longer be able to host the adult softball league. The parish is tied up in a lawsuit over an injury to a player from the summer of 2015. As we have had a difficult time getting information relevant to the lawsuit, and as the litigation is on-going, the diocese and the insurance company have decided that we cannot continue with the league. I am sorry about this. I know how much the players enjoyed the game, and the sense of community building that it brought to the parish. Perhaps, when the legal process has ended, we can revisit this issue.
Work on the grounds will ramp up this Spring and Summer. We will need to add a playground space for the pre-school children and Frank Radics’ Eagle Scout project will also begin taking shape. In addition, thanks to a very generous donation of vegetable plants from Samaha’s Farm, to the parish vegetable garden, the food pantry hopefully will have a plentiful supply of fresh vegetables this year. It had fallen into hard times over the past two years, but it is a valuable resource for the people served by the pantry.
This Summer I am even trying my own hand at gardening on the property. Hopefully I can raise a tomato or two outside of the rectory in which I live. Speaking of the rectories, when I arrived here almost two years ago, the constant question was “when are you going to paint the houses and get rid of the blue?” As they had been recently painted I did not want to just repaint them. The question continues. I have not made any final decision on the question, but if we have the time (and the money) I would definitely see the project happening during the Summer.
While on the subject of the rectories, I had to do some updating to the interior of the house I live in during this past Winter. The kitchen appliances were old and inefficient – the dishwasher leaked all over the floor and the refrigerator door seals were cracked and no longer closed properly. The cabinets in the kitchen were old and were depositing deteriorating dust on the dishes. The house also followed the older rectory style of architecture, when there was an expectation of a cook who prepared and served dinner. Therefore the house had small rooms separated by multiple doors between rooms. The kitchen had three doors, the dining room had three doors, and the living room had three doors. so that each room could be closed off from all of the others.
When I left for Israel, the kitchen was gutted and the walls between the dining room and living room were removed. The house now has an open space concept with the three rooms eliminated and one great room in their place. It makes the use of space more efficient and increases the possibility of the house being usable for small gatherings or meetings. The generosity of several parishioners covered the cost of the renovation.
There will also be many other projects in progress around the campus this Summer. We will be doing a lot of work in the school, especially with the construction of the new science lab. Some roof work and electrical work will also be happening, so that we can continue to exercise good stewardship on our property.