165 Bethany Road
Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
Dear Fellow Parishioners of St. Benedict’s:
Happy Advent!
The season of Advent draws our focus to repentance and renewal in our lives in anticipation of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. While on the one hand we are looking forward to Christmas – the annual celebration of the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity in the person of Jesus of Nazareth some two-thousand years ago – we are also looking at the preparation for the Second Coming of Jesus as the Judge of the World at the end of the age. The first image is rife with sentiment, the second sounds more ominous and fearful. Both images and both responses are honest and to be expected.
Advent begins with a flurry of activities this week, and it keeps us going for quite a stretch. Wednesday evening the Catholic Men for Jesus Christ will hold a gathering in our parish. Father Thomas Maher, pastor of St. William the Abbott in Howell, is the presenter. This is a great way for men to connect with faith and to prepare themselves for the coming season. He is a very energetic speaker and I am confident that we will all learn something from the evening. Please check the bulletin for further details.
On Thursday evening, at St. Ann Church in Lawrenceville, Paul Remick will be instituted as an Acolyte in preparation for his anticipated ordination as a deacon (May, 2021). As an instituted acolyte, Paul will be able to assist at the Altar and to purify the sacred vessels after Mass. You will note that at some Masses on the weekend Paul will be serving at the altar instead of a deacon. While he cannot yet proclaim the Gospel or preach a homily at Mass, we will be assisting Paul in becoming comfortable on the altar in preparation for his ordination. Let us continue our prayers for his discernment and journey to ordination.
Our annual Christmas Tree lighting is Friday evening. A combined parish choir concert will begin the evening with the tree lighting to follow. A guest appearance is also highly anticipated. This is a festive way to begin our holiday journey.
While nothing is more heart-warming than the glow in the faces of children in anticipation of what Christmas brings, it is the realization that God becomes a human being that should warm us to the depths of our souls.
You will note the giving trees and the tags on the trees in the Narthex. The Raine foundation continues their good work, especially with children. We have also connected with Father Bob Kaeding – known to many of you from his time here and at SJV – who runs The Shelter in Asbury Park, to assist those afflicted from AIDS/HIV, and with the Mercy Center, also in Asbury park, assisting with families in need. I would like to thank Patti Dickens from Raine, and Maura Domashinski and the Faith Formation Team for coordinating these collections. Of course, the Saint Vincent de Paul Society will continue to collect food and money for assistance through their organization.
As a side note, allow me to suggest using our SCRIP cards instead of buying gift cards at the supermarket for all your Christmas needs. While the cost is the same, the school benefits from the sale of each SCRIP card, so it helps the students in our school.
Thank you for all you do – may the Lord bless us all this week!
Fr. Garry