This weekend we are celebrating the World Day of Marriage, when we draw a particular focus on the sanctity of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Our marriage ministry here, under the direction of Lori McCahill – and ably assisted by her husband, Mike – has borne much fruit in its three year history. Not only is our Pre-Cana program still on the forefront of the programs in the diocese, our programs for strengthening and enriching existing marriages has been very positive and successful. This is a time to encourage those of you who for one reason or another are not in sacramentally valid marriages to open yourselves to the conversation and make contact with Lori as how we might make that happen. Some of you will need annulments, a process with which we can certainly assist you.
On Tuesday, February 11th we will observe the World Day of the Sick, which corresponds to the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. That evening we will have the communal celebration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. If you or a loved one is chronically ill, undergoing serious medical treatment (chemotherapy., dialysis, etc.) or suffering the effects of a deteriorating condition, you are invited to attend the Mass at (7:00 p.m.) and receive the sacrament.
Next weekend we will hear from parishioner Phil Limeri regarding the Catholic Men for Jesus Christ Annual Men’s Conference. This year it will be held on Saturday, February 29that St. Mary Parish in Middletown. The theme of this year’s Conference is “Discipleship: The Greatest Adventure.” Come join your brothers in the diocese to hear inspirational speakers and enjoy fellowship with other men who are looking to grow in their walk with Jesus and dynamically live out their Catholic faith. For more information, please see the flier later in this bulletin.
We had an exceptional Open House for St. Benedict’s School last weekend. The turnout was much larger than anticipated and registrations are coming in at a much quicker than usual pace. This is great news, and certainly a testimony to the strong programs, sense of community, and abiding sense of faith that runs through the school, our administration, faculty, and staff. Certainly there are spots available in all-grade levels for the coming school year. Give us a look – call the school office anytime for a tour or a conversation with the principal.
We are also launching a summer program called Camp Explorefor preschoolers – ages 3,4,5 – who have yet to attend kindergarten. It is a nine week camp experience. Please check information on the brochures which you can find in the church. Honestly, it looks like a lot of fun and also very educational. As with everything else we do, early drop off and extended day care are available through the program.
We are also in the midst of preparing for the coming Lenten Season. Ash Wednesday is on February 26th, so really just around the corner. You will shortly be receiving the postcard of events. We are hoping for a holy and enriching Lenten Season.