We mark the passing of seasons and of years through various milestones. While it remains 2020 in the Year of Our Lord, this weekend the church begins a new liturgical year with the First Sunday of Advent. This means on a practical level that subtle changes occur within the Mass itself. Although it is subtle, the readings for the Masses shift to new cycles. We will be using the readings for Year 1 (of 2) for daily Masses. While the Gospel remains the same each year, the first reading changes. On Sundays and major feasts we move into Year B (of A-B-C) where the Gospel is generally from Saint Mark, though there are some includes of John’s Gospel as well. These annual shifts of the readings enable us to read through virtually the entire Bible in the course of three years. A good reminder and point of discussion when someone says to you that we are not a Bible-based church!
With newer restrictions coming on indoor gathering, it is important to note that – as of my writing this letter – no changes have been made to the occupancy of churches. I am well aware that this could have changed, and I would not be surprised if it does. We will continue to be vigilant in observing the necessary protocols to keep us all safe. As a reminder, the church has extended the dispensation from Sunday Masses through the end of the year. If you are at risk, feeling ill, or just uncertain, please stay home. We continue the livestream of the Masses each Sunday. Pray along with us and for us, as we do for you.
In his First Letter to the Corinthians Saint Paul identifies three principal Christian virtues – what have come to be known as the Evangelical Virtues: Faith, Hope, Love. Now more than ever, and in keeping with the themes of the Advent Sunday’s we need to focus on hope. To strengthen us along the journey of Advent, we are developing a short series of videos that will highlight the theme of Hope as it develops through the Gospel each week. This should help us to prepare for the coming of the Lord at Christmas. The First Sunday of Advent video should be available as we speak.
Father JM is working with the buildings and grounds department and Marissa Delgado, art teacher in the school, to construct an outdoor pilgrimage prayer drive – much as we did with the Stations of the Cross in Lent. This will enable you to engage in a prayerful reflection around the themes and images from the Gospels.
This coming Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. we will be holding our annual Christmas Tree Lighting. Of course we are unable to do the celebration as per usual but we are inviting you to come to the parking lot – remain in your cars, or stand outside the car if you can practice social distance – and join us for a brief prayer and the lighting of the tree. This is always an important way to kick off the season and to remind us of the light in the darkness of our world.
This weekend we will be lighting the Advent Wreaths. Hopefully everyone has one for their homes, but if not any four candles – three purple and one pink – or, honestly, any four candles, lit one each week, remind us of the importance of waiting for the coming of the Lord.
Thank you to all of you who have already taken the tags from the virtual Giving Tree, please remember that those gifts are due to the parish by Tuesday if possible.
It’s been a tough stretch – with due care and diligence things can and will be better – we all need hope!