THANK YOU! We had a wonderful Welcome Back event last weekend and came out of it feeling excited and ready for an exciting year ahead. The 50/50 Raffle did extremely well this year, surpassed only by last year’s in terms of total money raised and distributed. Thanks to all who participated and congratulations to the winners. Likewise, the BINGO on Sunday was very successful.
I wish to acknowledge in a special way those who worked so hard to make the weekend the success that it was: Lori and Mike McCahill, Fran DeMuria, Nancy and Ritchie Francese, Leolanie Jensen, Robert McGrogan, Tony Fajardo, Meg Troiano, Fran Sullivan, Jim and Margaret Roddy, and Father AL. A hearty “thank you” goes out to Lori Ulrich for piecing all of this together and pulling it off. We have a wonderful team of staff and volunteers here at St. Benedict.
We had some very generous sponsors for the weekend: Tomar Industries, Petrucelli, Piotrowksi & Co. Inc., Mullaney & Associates PT, Living Well 4 Life Center - Loniewski Family. Crowe Family, Troiano Family, Sullivan Family (Bingo Machine Rental). Thank you to Shore Point Funeral Home and Cremation Service for the sponsoring of the Super 50/50 raffle booklets.
Likewise, we had a good response at the Ministry Fair. This weekend, once again, there is an opportunity to sign-up to volunteer for any of the many ministries of our parish. Living out our baptismal commitment, even in small ways, bears witness to the Body of Christ and builds up the entire community.
Another heartfelt thank you as you will note that we have again surpassed the parish goal for the Annual Catholic Appeal. Not only do we support the many ministries of the diocese, but 50% of all money raised above the goal comes back to the parish.
This weekend we have our first “Family Mass” of the year geared specifically to the children who participated in the Summer Religious Education Academy. We will be focusing one weekend per month more towards children and families. We are in need of volunteers to work the Liturgy of the Word for the 4-6 year old children at the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sundays. If interested, please see the Ministry Fair Table or make contact with Mrs. Dayton in the Faith Formation Office.
Sunday evening is the first night of the Eighth Grade Confirmation program for the year. The on-going formation of the youth is a key ministry of a parish, and to that end Mr. Saverino has assembled an excellent team of volunteers of all ages and experiences in life to work with him in this program. Our prayers go out to all of them as they embark on this preparation for the Sacrament, scheduled to be administered by Bishop O’Connell on March 31st.
I also want to remind the St. Vincent dePaul volunteers about the Mass on the beloved saint’s feast day, Monday, September 27th. We will offer a special blessing to all volunteers and we will hold a lite reception for them afterwards.
The school year is off to a good start. It seems to get more and more challenging each day. While we have had a few confirmed cases of the virus, protocols for monitoring and responding are much different than they were last year. I just encourage everyone – whether it is coming to school or attending Mass – that if you feel like you are ill or have symptoms, please isolate and get tested. We need to keep everyone safe and healthy!
This weekend I am at St. Dominic Parish in Brick to promote vocations there.