165 Bethany Road
Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
Dear Fellow Parishioners of St. Benedict:
Our Lenten journey begins on Wednesday as we observe Ash Wednesday. Please check the bulletin for details on the many services we will offer throughout the day. Although we celebrate Mass only at 9am, there are ample opportunities to receive ashes throughout the day.
The Lenten regulations can be found in the bulletin. Nothing new there -- Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of Fast and Abstinence; other Fridays in Lent are days of Abstinence, This year, as St. Patrick’s Day is on a Friday, the bishop has (reluctantly) granted a diocesan-wide dispensation from the Abstinence on that day, but asks that whoever takes advantage of the dispensation then transfer the abstinence to another day, and/or performs an act of charity as well.
We have a variety of events for Lent which we are holding this year. There is the book series, the Wednesday Soup and Scripture, and the Stations of the Cross. As we are preparing for the Year of the Eucharist, the stations (Wednesday at 5 and Friday at 7) will include Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. We are also using a different script for the Stations this year; one that is Eucharist centered.
Our Lenten penance service is on Sunday, March 12 beginning at 2 pm. Please put that on your calendar.
Bishop O’Connell is honoring us with a visit here to celebrate the Saturday evening Mass on March 11, the Third Sunday of Lent. We are happy to have him with us that evening.
Next weekend -- February 25 - 26, we will announce and kick- off the annual Catholic Appeal. Those of you who are regular donors have already received your pledge cards, and I know that some of you have already sent in a contribution. Please respond as generously as possible to the appeal. Last year, for the first time in over a decade, we fell short of the goal. This also means that we get no return on investment from the appeal, which is a further challenge to the budgeting process here.
School is going well, and the enrollments for next year have been brisk and very promising. On one hand it would be nice to have more space, but that isn’t possible. Please check the bulletin for information and details on Summer Campout -- our summer camp which runs from July 10 - August 18, for students aged 4-7. Each week has a different theme. This is open to all children, not just those who attend SBS.
It feels like Spring wants to break through early, but I am always leery that perhaps a late winter snowstorm looms around the corner.
I hope everyone has a safe and refreshing week.
Fr. Garry