As we begin our Lenten journey this Wednesday, it is a good time to take stock of our relationship with the Lord and to strengthen our life of prayer and penance. We have scheduled a number of services and Masses on Wednesday for the distribution of ashes. Please check the bulletin or the website for details. I also want to remind everyone of the obligation to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesdays and all Lenten Fridays. Likewise, Wednesday and Good Friday (April 15th) are days of fast. Specifics of what this means can be found in the bulletin.
Lent also provides us with opportunities to grow in faith. We will host eight sessions of the series Chosen on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings. Deacon Paul will lead us in discussion afterwards. Prior to the Tuesday sessions we will host our Soup nights. Parishioners are invited to bring soup for a potluck supper beginning at 5:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross will be held on Wednesday and Friday evenings. Details for all of the above can be found in the bulletin.
Our parish penance service is scheduled for Sunday, March 13th from 4-6:00 p.m. Please make every effort to attend. We have invited over a dozen priests to be with us that day, so confession lines will move quickly and easily. We will publish other penance service times of local parishes as they become available to us.
Lent also challenges us to be proactive in our evangelization efforts. Invite someone to Mass who has been away for a while. There are still people who have been reluctant to return after the pandemic and others who have merely grown complacent in their commitment having gotten out of the habit of attending Mass. A gentle invite can prove to be a grace in someone’s life.
The Synod sessions are going well, but we would like to see a higher participation level. On Thursday, March 3rd after the 9:00 a.m. Mass an opportunity will be offered to participate in a listening session. This is an additional date not on the original calendar. A light breakfast will be served.
“Thank you” to all of you who have already made your pledges/ donations to the Annual Catholic Appeal. It is certainly a great benefit to the many diocesan programs outlined by the bishop in the video and in the support materials. Our parish also benefits once we have hit our goal. Commitment cards can be found in the back of the church and in the narthex.
School enrollment for next year continues to rise, and we are presently projecting more students next year than this year. Thank you for your support.
We are always looking for more volunteers. The Food Pantry is especially in need of assistance. We are open only one day per week (Wednesday) which is a shadow of our pre-covid commitment. While it is true that much of the past clientele are being served now through other state and federal programs that does not mean that the need does not remain significant.
We would like to be able to open more days in the week. If you are interested in volunteering, please make contact with Patti Dickens in the parish office.
As we are in tax season, please make contact with the parish office if you need record of contributions for 2021.