Happy Memorial Day Weekend and welcome to the official start of the summer season. Coming through a rough winter for all of us, this is a most welcome time of the year. Of course, we are called in a special way this weekend to remember those who gave their lives in service to our country. Originally known as “Decoration Day” many people still visit the cemeteries and place flowers and other mementos there to honor their loved ones. Most specifically, however, veteran’s groups place American flags on the graves of our veterans. It is good for us to be ever mindful of those who have died in defense of our freedom, and others who have sacrificed their lives to secure the freedom of others throughout the world. We are especially cognizant of those who are now in harm's way in Eastern Europe, and we fervently pray that efforts to bring an expedient and peaceful end to the Ukrainian crisis will be fruitful.
Next weekend is Pentecost. We will celebrate the Pentecost Vigil on Saturday evening at 8:00 pm. This celebration replaces the 5:00 pm Mass, so please be aware that there is NO 5:00 pm Mass next weekend.
This coming week we will celebrate the graduation of 40 students from St. Benedict School. We are all grateful to those parents who chose to entrust their children to our care, whether for nine years or for one year. We are proud of the way in which our students have handled the challenges and crises that have come their way over the past two plus years. It is a credit to their families, to our administration, faculty, and support staff, that our students have come through this period stronger and more prepared for the world than many of their contemporaries. We will publish a list of the high schools that they will be attending in a future bulletin, but I am happy that most of them will matriculate at one of the many Catholic high schools in our area. Congratulations! We will celebrate our graduates on the weekend of June 11 and 12. We invite the graduates to wear their school colors and to join us for a blessing and a reception to follow.
As the end of the school year approaches, we are gearing up for some summer projects. At the initiative of Mr. Vincent Fasano, the Father’s Club at Christian Brothers Academy, has taken on the parish vegetable garden as one of their service projects. Last weekend they did some planting, and each week they will tend to the garden. They are inviting members of the parish community to assist with weeding and with harvesting the vegetables. Everything grown there goes to the parish food pantry. I want to thank Vince and the CBA Father’s Club for taking this on.
The Summer Religious Education Academy is right around the corner. We are still looking for volunteers to assist with the program. Please make contact with Nancy Arkin in Faith
Formation if you are interested and available.
I hope that all of you have an enjoyable weekend. Safe journeys to all who are travelling.