October, the Month of the Holy Rosary, is also Pro-Life Awareness Month. We are grateful to Deacon Rich for his efforts in coordinating the parish activities and events that focus our attention on the multifaceted nature of pro-life activities.
Please check the bulletin for more information. This past week we celebrated with the St. Vincent de Paul Society. On Friday there was a leadership change within the society here. We are all grateful for the leadership and inspiration of Bill Casey who now steps aside as President, although he will remain an integral and active member of the society. We are happy to welcome Mary Mykityshyn as the new President of the SVDP. I have every hope that under her guidance, the society will not only continue with their great works, but will find new ways of interacting with the community. She is joined by new board members: Charlie Benjamin Vice President, and Emilia DeMeo Secretary / Minutes. The position of Treasurer is open.
Our Sixth Graders are convening this weekend at the 5pm Sunday evening Mass. They begin their three-year journey towards Confirmation. We are making a concentrated effort to walk more carefully with our confirmandi on their journey. Many adolescents who are confirmed consider that to be their graduation from their obligations to the church and their faith formation. Of course, Confirmation is really only the beginning of a life-long process. Next weekend the eighth grade students will begin their final journey year of preparation for Confirmation with their first Sunday evening experience. Let us continue our prayers for these young men and women as they prepare for full initiation in the church.
Last Saturday evening we hosted a spontaneous -- though organized -- assembly of a number of students from SJV and their families. They came specifically to pray for Aaron Van Trease, quarterback from the school, who was seriously injured in the game last Friday evening. He has made progress, albeit very slow, and certainly needs our continued prayers.
This week our fall adult faith formation kicks off in earnest with two programs beginning. On Tuesday evening we begin with the second series of Chosen with Deacon Paul and Nancy Arkin. On Wednesday, the Walking With Purpose Women’s Bible Study meets at two different times, once with Lori McCahill at 8 am and another with Nancy Arkin at 7 pm. Please take advantage of these opportunities to learn more and to grow in faith. There is still much more yet to come.
Reservations for the 60th Anniversary Gala are steadily coming in, along with various sponsorships and ads. Check out the details for the event at either the parish or the school website. We are hoping to see as many alumni and parents at the event as possible. We are happy to celebrate sixty years of Catholic education here in Holmdel and we are looking forward to many more years to come.
Overall, it looks like October will be a busy month here for the parish and the school. Let us continue our prayers for one another.
Fr. Garry