We have already reached what feels like the middle of the fall semester at the school as we celebrate Columbus Day this weekend. A long weekend is a welcome break from the hurriedness of the opening weeks of a school year. Things are off to a good start there, and all seems to be going quite well. Those of you who have children in the eighth grade, realize that this is the time to have that school conversation and talk about where your child hopes to attend high school. There are so many excellent choices in our area, so a decision is not to be made lightly. Most of the schools are having their open houses in the next week or so, and the entrance/placement exams are just around the corner.
The 60th Anniversary Gala for our school is quickly upon us, and the number of available seats for the event is shrinking each day. Please get your ticket requests in as soon as you can. We are also still accepting sponsorships, ads for the journal, and gift baskets. If you have any questions, please make contact with either Patti Dickens or Lori Ulrich in the parish office.
This week -- Wednesday -- representatives from our school will join our bishop and other members of all of the school communities in our diocese at the annual Catholic School’s Mass held at the Co-Cathedral in Freehold. This date --October 12 -- was chosen as it is the memorial feast of Blessed Carlo Acutis. His short life, May 3, 1991 – October 12, 2006 is marked by an extraordinary devotion to the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He was born in London but was raised in Milan. An avid computer programmer he is perhaps best known for documenting Eucharistic miracles around the world and cataloging them onto a website which he created before his death from leukemia. He was noted for his joy-filled disposition, computer skills, and abiding faith. He was beatified on October 10, 2020 by Pope Francis. Bishop O’Connell named Bl. Carlos as the patron saint of the youth in the schools in our diocese. His portrait hangs just inside the entrance to the school. Information about a special Eucharistic miracles exhibit can be found further along in the bulletin.
This Sunday evening at the 5pm Mass -- I have to get used to saying that -- we welcome the members of our eighth grade Confirmation preparation class for their opening session. This final year of preparation for the reception of the Sacrament (March 23, 2023) is certainly an important one, a year filled with formation, service, and prayer as they are readied to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Let us continue in our prayers for them, their families, and their sponsors.
Thank you all who have participated in the two adult faith formation programs that kicked-off last week -- The Chosen and Walking with Purpose. It is certainly not to late to get involved with either program.
If you are interested in being of assistance to those whose lives were affected by Hurricane Ian, please go through the Catholic Charities USA website. It is probably the easiest way, and the most effective way, to get assistance where it is needed.
Hopefully the dreariness of the week is behind us and more autumnal weather is upon us.
Fr. Garry