165 Bethany Road
Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
Dear Fellow Parishioners of St. Benedict:
This coming Saturday, February 11th, we are hosting a diocesan gathering for Special Ministers of Holy Communion with a special emphasis on at-home and health care ministries. We begin with Mass at 9:00 am and then move on to some break-out sessions. Anyone involved in or interested in such ministries, are most welcome and encouraged to attend. Check the Diocese of Trenton website for information. Register at dioceseoftrenton.org/EMreflection.
Although Saturday is the World Day for the Sick -- the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes -- we will hold our Mass of Anointing of the Sick on Friday, February 10th at 1pm. Anyone who is chronically ill, infirmed, or in declining health, is welcome to attend to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. This is a good time also to be reminded that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick provides those who are elderly, ill, suffering, declining in health, or facing serious surgery, with
“... the strength and the gift of uniting oneself more closely to Christ’s Passion: in a certain way he/she is consecrated to bear fruit by configuration to the Savior’s redemptive Passion. Suffering, a consequence of Original Sin, acquires new meaning; it becomes a participation in the saving work of Jesus. (CCC1521)” the Catechism continues (par. 1522): “By celebrating this sacrament the Church, in the communion of saints, intercedes for the benefit of the sick person, and he/she, for his/her part, through the grace of this sacrament, contributes to the sanctification of the Church and to the good of all men and women for whom the Church suffers and offers herself through Christ to God the Father.”
Pope Francis wrote for this feast: “On 11 February 2023, let us turn our thoughts to the Shrine of Lourdes, a prophetic lesson entrusted to the Church for our modern times. It is not only what functions well or those who are productive that matter. Sick people, in fact, are at the center of God’s people, and the Church advances together with them as a sign of a humanity in which everyone is precious and no one should be discarded or left behind.
“To the intercession of Mary, Health of the Sick, I entrust all of you who are ill; you who care for them in your families, or through your work, research and volunteer service; and those of you who are committed to weaving personal, ecclesial, and civic bonds of fraternity. To all, I impart my heartfelt blessing.”
In other news, we had a very successful Open House for SBS last weekend, and the registration of new students was brisk. ”Thank you” to all who attended and those who have already registered for the coming school year.
The school also announced that they are opening a six-week summer camp for children aged 4-7/8 this year. Fliers and more detail can be found on the school website and there are brochures in the Narthex. More information will be in next week’s bulletin as well.
Have a blessed week,
Fr. Garry