It has been a very challenging and difficult week here for the SBS and SJV communities as we deal with the tragic passing of Lauren Hewski, SBS ‘19. Our prayers for her parents, Dennis and Kim, as well as our continued support for them are of prime importance now and in the days ahead.
A great testimony to both Lauren’s legacy and the impact of our school was witnessed in our parking lot on Tuesday night at 7:30 pm. Lauren’s classmates from our school -- along with some students who transferred out of the class during their time here -- assembled in our parking lot for prayer, reflection, and a sharing of their memories and experiences, most particularly their memories of Lauren. Organized by the members of the class itself, SBS kids arrived from all over and spent a good amount of time just sitting with each other -- at times in silence, at times crying, at times laughing, and at all times loving and supporting each other. Because of how the classes here split up for high school, many of them had not seen each other since they left here four years ago. It was an incredible sight, and a wonderful reminder to us here of the community experienced in our school. This was not a social media event, it wasn’t for any publicity, it was to express their sadness, their faith, and their solidarity with one another and for Lauren.
Speaking of the school, I am sad to announce that Mr. Kevin Donahue who has been our principal since 2018 has accepted another position effective July 1. This is an important move for his family as Kevin does travel an hour and forty five minutes each way to work here. I am sad to see him go as his leadership and friendship here has been a tremendous boost to our school.
At the same time this is a good opportunity for him -- he will be principal of a public K-5 school -- and also good for his family. We wish him the best. I have formed a search committee and have already received resumes and inquiries about the position. I hope to have the administrative positions here settled by mid-June. Please pray for our process and our school. Please note that next weekend is Pentecost weekend (yes, and Memorial Day weekend as well) so there will be no 5pm Mass next Saturday; the Vigil for Pentecost Mass will be at 8pm.
Also, please mark your calendars for Sunday, June 18 -- Father AL’s birthday (somewhere between 35-40 I’m not telling!) -- and our chance to say adieu to Father and thank him for his service to our community. He will still be with us until June 30.
Congratulations to those who are graduating from school on any level this spring. We will recognize all of you at the Masses on June 10-11 weekend.