July is certainly flying by, and life here at the parish continues to be busy and productive. We have completed two weeks of the religious education Summer Academy and begin the third and final week this coming Monday. It has been a good two weeks so far -- Nancy Arkin and her team have been very busy, and thanks to their efforts it has all gone extremely well. For this we are very grateful. Of course summer is also a time for planning the coming school year. It looks like we are in good shape for the opening of the year, but I do need to look into some internal remodeling and renovations. I am looking now for an architect who can put some fresh eyes on the facilities. If you know of anyone, please let me know. Thanks.
You will note in the bulletin the announcement and details around the Summer Family Fun Weekend (Sep 22-24). As a replacement for the carnival -- which is not really sustainable any longer -- the school associations have developed a weekend of fun and entertainment geared to serve as both a fund and friend raising event for the parish and school community. The brainstorming sessions were fun to attend and the committee is working hard to offer a fun and varied weekend.
Long-time parishioners, Al and Anne Valentino and their son, Anthony, recently moved to Lexington, Kentucky, where their eldest son, Patrick, serves as the music director at the Cathedral. Anne and Al, and her late parents Patrick and Anne Hogan, were a rich part of the fabric of this community almost from the very beginning of the parish in 1959. “Words cannot express how we will miss St. Benedict and all our friends here. Your love, support, comfort and sharing of joy will always remain in our hearts. You and your families will be in our prayers and hope you will keep us in yours. God bless you always! With love, Anne and Al Valentino."
We wish the Valentino family God’s speed in this new adventure in their lives.
With a quieter pace to the summer, there is also a bit less to talk about, so I leave you with these few reflections.