165 Bethany Road
Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
Dear Fellow Parishioners of St. Benedict:
It sure seems that summer is flying by, and we are entering those fateful last two weeks of August when somehow we seem to have to scramble to do all of those things that we swore we would do this summer. Good luck!
We are in full planning mode for the Family Fun Weekend, September 22-23-24. Check the bulletin for details, and for volunteer and sponsorship opportunities. Replacing the carnival, this format allows for a different focus each day. This is now the primary fundraising effort for the school. I am grateful to the various school parent associations for their vision, hard work, and planning for the event.
This past week brought to a conclusion the first Summer Camp- out sponsored by the school. For eight weeks we have had roughly forty students per week who attended this camp, and it proved to be a fun and very productive program. We owe much gratitude to Kerri Oswick, sixth grade teacher who served as camp director, and the many others who worked and volunteered throughout the summer to make this a successful venture. Clearly this is a program that we would love to see grow in the years to come.
We are in good shape for the opening of school. Final touches are being put on the facilities. You will also notice that, after a four month hiatus, the electronic sign on Bethany Road will be up and running again soon. All we need are some finishing touches and we are good to go. The format and the app to run the program will also make it easier to read and to program.
Registration for the traditional religious education program is underway. Please check the bulletin and make contact with the faith formation office to secure placement for those students who did not attend the summer program.
Overall, things are going well this summer, and we are looking forward the beginning of the fall activities.
A blessed week to all,
Fr. Garry