This is our Forty Hours week, and I hope that you will be able to join us for some of the celebrations we have planned for the next three days. A complete schedule is posted in the bulletin and can also be found on line. Bishop O’Connell will be here on Tuesday for the closing Mass and Father Dan Kirk is here Monday for the evening service. On Sunday we open with Franciscan Friar of the Renewal Father Mariusz Eugene Koch.
The church will be open all day (8:30am - 9:30pm) for Adoration, and there is a schedule for public prayer as well. Students from St. Benedict School as well as St. John Vianney High School will also be attending Adoration throughout the day. The overnight hours will be in the Adoration Chapel. Please sign-up, or just stop in, for a visit with our Blessed Lord.
As November is the month of All Souls, I encourage you to fill out the envelope and place either in the collection box or directly into the offering bowl in front of the altar. We will
remember all of your intentions at the daily and weekend Masses.
November -- not too early (though it should be) to think about the coming holidays! The giving trees for the RAINE foundation will appear in the Narthex the weekend of November 18-19. This allows for more strategic planning and shopping on your part. Likewise the annual Youth Group Coat Drive begins this weekend and continues until next weekend. Gently used or new coats, hats, gloves and scarves are always appreciated.
This Tuesday is Election Day. Please remember to get out and vote. There are always many important issues at hand, and given the tense situation in our world, our nation and even within our towns and communities, it is important that we all make our voices heard. Elections matter.
This will be a very busy and active week here at the parish. I hope to see you around throughout the week, as we pray for a deeper understanding of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and implore Him for transformation of hearts to change the world and bring his kingdom more alive in our midst. We pray for a growth and strengthening of all of the vocations and ministries of our church, and especially for hearts to be opened to God’s call in our lives.
May our Eucharistic Lord bless each of us with his unending mercy,
Fr. Garry