165 Bethany Road
Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
Dear Fellow Parishioners of St. Benedict:
Happy Advent!
This weekend we begin a new liturgical year and our preparations for the Christmas Season ahead. I do not think that I am alone in noting that it seems that this year many homes were fully decorated and lighted before Thanksgiving. Given the starkness of this time of the year -- the days drawing ever shorter and the leaves all but gone -- I am a huge fan of anything that illuminates the darkness. I am also not one of those who shuns the celebration of the Christmas holiday during Advent. We have already experienced the joy of the Incarnation of the Word at the first Christmas. Our preparations for the secular holiday should not serve as a hindrance to our need and ability to spiritually prepare ourselves for the Holy days and season ahead. We do have many opportunities for spiritual preparation for the Season.
Deacon Steve is conducting a small group study of the Eucharist. The book: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist is available at all of the doors of the church. This is an easy read and a good way to reflect on the meaning of the Eucharist and to prepare ourselves for Christmas and for the blessings and challenges of 2024 ahead. Thanks to a generous donation, we are able to provide this book free of charge.
Since the onset of the pandemic we have been using a collection box in the narthex for weekly contributions. While this has worked well, the idea of taking a collection live is an integral aspect of stewardship and participation. We will return to passing the baskets effective the weekend of December 23 - 24. We will be recruiting parishioners of all ages to assist in the collection process. Allow me this time to encourage you to consider making your contributions via WeShare, and those of you who are on WeShare to make sure that your information is correct and that we are actually receiving your contributions. This is also a good time to consider increasing your weekly contribution to the parish.
Our parish Confessions will be Sunday, December 17. Everyone is encouraged to set aside time that afternoon to receive the sacrament. The students in the school will participate in a penance service this week, and our school students will make their First Confessions as well. The students from the religious education programs will make their First Confessions at the parish service. Please keep all of these children in your prayers. Two weeks ago one of the sixth graders from the school made a Profession of Faith and entered the Catholic faith, Due to the testimony and witness of his classmates, teachers, and his experiences here he made the decision, with the agreement of his parents, to become a Catholic. He is not the first student who has done so. This is a testimony still to the witness and power of faith at work in people’s lives and within our school.
This weekend two parishioners: Vincent Lane and
Brandon DiGirolamo will receive Confirmation and next weekend Brianna Catapano will be complete her sacraments of initiation when she receives First Communion and Confirmation. Any adults who have not been confirmed but desire to complete their sacraments, should make contact with Nancy Arkin.
Monday, December 18 Father JM Patilla returns to St. Benedict to celebrate the Simbang Gabi Mass with the Filipino community. Everyone is welcome to attend. With a very short Advent Season -- really three weeks and one day -- we have much to do in a short period of time. Let us not rush through the season, I encourage everyone to take their time, pray, read the book (or any spiritual reading) and go to Confession. This will make our Advent fruitful and allow us to celebrate Christmas in a most beneficial way. Have a blessed week. Fr. Garry |