165 Bethany Road
Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
Dear Fellow Parishioners of St. Benedict:
Here we are, at the end of 2023. It has been a year of many blessings for our parish, yet this year we experienced some significant losses and tragedies. This is true of any year. Of course, but somehow it seemed more poignant this past year.
As a parish we are blessed with continual growth. Our school enrollment continues to grow and we feel like we are well- poised to go forward. Our deepening partnership with St. John Vianney High School helps our students to prepare for a strong high school curriculum at whichever school they choose to attend.
The Summer Camp-Out, our first summer of weekly camp sessions for parishioners and neighbors was very successful and a great deal of fun. It was also a lot of work. We will continue and expand the program over the coming summer.
As a parish community, we have been blessed in so many ways during this past year. And, of course, as with any year, we have gone through various transitions as well. Father Augusto Lorenzo Gamalo moved to St. James in Red Bank and Father Adam Midor took on the responsibility of parochial vicar. In the school Principal Kevin Donahue and Vice-Principal Christine Keeling each took new positions and Nicholas Cammarano and Megan Gallagher came on as a new administrative team. Change, while at times can be difficult, also offers new and exciting possibilities.
Our religious education programs continue to expand and offer new opportunities for our families. We have seen an increase in baptisms over the year, along with marriages, convalidations, and those seeking full communion with the church as adults.
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society has been able to expand the hours of operation in the food pantry through the generous time of many of our parishioners, but have also entered into a partnership with the parishioners of Kimisis Tis Theotokou, the Greek Orthodox Church on Hillcrest Road.
There are many challenges ahead that will need to be addressed in the coming year. Our stewardship programs need strengthening as we are lagging behind the inflation rate in our weekly contributions. We need to replace the HVAC system in the church, the school gym/cafeteria, and find new ways to improve the heating system in the school. Like any school these days we need to work on programs to hire and retain teachers so that we can offer a sense of continuity in learning for our students. The ongoing maintenance of the property and buildings is also always a concern. We are fortunate to have in place the necessary resources to do what we have to do, but need to do so in ways that do not threaten our long-term sustainability and success.
Every parish and school faces similar issues and we are in a good position to address our needs head on. The concerns of international instability, economic uncertainty, and the tense political environment in our own country as we brace for the presidential and congressional elections this coming year put a cloud on the approaching new year.
It is with faith in God, our hope in the fundamental goodness of humanity, and the commitment to the welfare of others that should offer us hope for the year ahead.
Thank you for your generous support, encouragement, and commitment to our parish, our school, our diocese, and our community.
May 2024 fill us with the blessings of peace, love, and the knowledge of salvation through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Father Garry