165 Bethany Road
Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
Dear Fellow Parishioners of St. Benedict:
As we enter February our schedule of events in the parish really kicks off in a big way. This weekend we are hearing from Deacon Steve Scott who is speaking about the small group initiatives around the Eucharistic Revival. Also this weekend we are offering the Blessing of throats under the intercession of Saint Blaise.
Next weekend we observe Marriage Weekend. Lori McCahill, marriage minister, will speak to us about the ministry here, and offer ideas on strengthening married life and in supporting engaged couples. She will also address the possibility of convalidation for those couples not married in the church.
Tuesday, February 13, we will hold the Anointing of the Sick Mass in conjunction with the World Day of the Sick/Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (February 11). Mass will be held at 1pm.
Wednesday, February 14 is Ash Wednesday. Please check the bulletin and website for the times for services that day. There will be plenty of opportunities to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday.
The weekend of February 17-18 Father Christopher Colavito, Diocesan Director of Vocations and Diaconate Formation will be with us. He will speak about vocations and our role as Catholics to continue to promote and support vocations. This is an opportunity for anyone who has thought of a possible vocation as a priest or deacon to speak directly with Father Colavito.
Continuing with diaconate formation, on Tuesday, February 20, Anthony Cullen, our candidate for diaconate, will receive the ministries of Lector and Acolyte from Bishop O’Connell. Once a part of the more elaborate minor orders on the path to ordination, these ministries will expand Anthony’s role within the Liturgy as he prepares for ordination in 2026.
The following weekend, February 24-25 is the kick-off weekend for the Annual Catholic Appeal.
I will address all of these in more detail as the time approaches. Lent comes with its own schedule. Stations of the Cross on Wednesdays at 5:30 and Friday at 7. Wednesdays (beginning February 21) we will offer the “Soup and Scripture” series following Stations.
Last weekend’s Open House for SBS was very successful and registrations are coming in fast and furious. Our faculty and staff did a great job throughout the day. I am grateful to Principal Cammarano and Vice-Principal Gallagher for their leadership in our school.
Have a blessed week,
Fr. Garry