Happy Laetare Sunday! Marked by the rose colored vestments and the slightly more festive celebration, we know that our Lenten journey has now passed the midway mark. This means that there is still plenty of time to strengthen your Lenten resolve or perhaps take up a new path of penance.
Speaking of penance, this Sunday is our parish Day of Confession. Priests are here Sunday afternoon beginning at 2:30 pm and finishing at 4. This is an easy way to perform the Easter Duty (Confession once a year, during Lent-Easter). The students in the RE programs will have their Confirmation interviews at the same time. Please continue to pray for the students in the parish who will be confirmed by Bishop O’Connell on April 9.
You might have noticed that the Hall of Saints is completely filled with the Diocesan Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit, as Deacon Paul preached about last weekend. Please take the opportunity to visit the exhibit and encourage others to see it as well. It is a moving and well-done presentation.
Our apologies to those of you who regularly sit in the Hall of Saints. This is a two-week inconvenience but we will be back to normal on Palm Sunday weekend.
I want to thank our maintenance crew, eighth grade students, and the RAINE Foundation for getting the space ready for the presentation. Likewise, we are grateful to our Knights of Columbus Chapter for paying for the exhibit here and supporting the event by serving as ushers.
As we continue to move through the Lenten Season, I hope that we can all take the opportunity to attend Stations of the Cross and avail ourselves of the many opportunities to strengthen our relationship with the Lord that this time offers us.
I pray that everyone has a blessed week,
Fr. Garry