Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. This feast, commemorating the moment when Jesus, forty days after his resurrection, delivered his final instructions to the disciples and ascended to the Right Hand of the Father, propels us to Pentecost Sunday. We are reminded of the commission from Jesus to preach the Gospel and to baptize all nations.
There are many faith formation opportunities available over the next few weeks.
This week is the last of the series of Via Lucis and the pasta and scripture sessions that follow.
Also today we celebrate Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, favorite aunts, and all of the wonderful women who mentor, support, and love us each and every day. In a special way we remember with affectionate sadness and joy those who are no longer with us, but who live in our memories and whose legacies we carry within us.
This Thursday, Father Bashobora will be with us for Mass with a Healing Prayer Service afterwards. Mass begins at 7pm. If you are in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, please consider attending this celebration.
Further along in the bulletin you will find appeals for catechists and volunteers for the Holy Innocents Society; new choir members for the parish choir; and the Angel Hands Ministry, for those of you who enjoy crocheting or knitting. We would like to add sewers to that list. Anyone who knows their way around a sewing machine and would like to volunteer their skills is invited to contact the Parish office.
Next Saturday is the Catholic Youth Rally at Six Flags-Great Adventure. It is always a joyful, fun-filled day, and an opportunity to meet new people from all over the diocese. You can register through the diocesan website, but please make contact with Ciro Saverino for an in-parish discount.
We are almost finished with the First Holy Communion celebrations for this Spring. I know it is a lot of work for the Faith Formation Office, but it is a special blessing for our parish and our communicants and their families.
Please keep in your prayers Mr. Alan Bridges who will be ordained as a transitional deacon on Saturday, along with twelve men who will be ordained as permanent deacons.
We remember as well in prayer our own deacons: Ray Pelkowski and John Clymore who are retired; Steve Scott and Paul Remick, as well as Anthony Cullen who is in formation now and preparing for ordination in 2026.
Please remember that there is NO 5pm Mass next Saturday, as we observe the Vigil Mass for Pentecost at 8pm.