Happy Memorial Day weekend. We remember now those who lost their lives in service to our country. Given the long and rich history of New Jersey, we can reflect on the struggle here for independence as many died in that cause just a few miles from here, and continuing through the many wars, conflicts, and military actions up and until the present. Remembering the past also brings challenges for the present and future as we pray that peace will prevail in our times, and that the conflicts presently raging in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Sudan, Burundi and elsewhere come to quick, peaceful, and sustainable resolutions. I am sure that many of your families, like my own, have lost relatives to war over the years.
My Grandmother’s brother was killed in the Pacific during WWII, and a second cousin was killed during the Tet Offensive in Vietnam. May all of those who have died in service to our nation know the Lord’s peace.
This weekend we observe Trinity Sunday when we reflect on that great mystery of our Faith -- the Oneness of God known in three distinct persons.
Next weekend we observe Corpus Christi Sunday -- the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of our Lord -- during this great year of the Eucharistic Revival. Check the bulletin for further information on the Eucharistic Procession which is passing through our diocese this week -- Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Next weekend at the 5:00 pm Sunday evening Mass our eighth grade students will be present with their families to celebrate their baccalaureate Mass. It is hard to believe that the school year has come to an end already. The last day of school for the students here is June 11. There are a few spaces available for the up-coming school year, so please make contact with the school office if you are interested.
Next Saturday, June 1, Bishop O’Connell will ordain two men to the priesthood for our diocese: Rev. Mr. Brian Meinders and Rev. Mr. Wynne Kerridge. The future Fr. Meinders will serve at the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine and the future Fr. Kerridge at St. James in Red Bank. Please keep them in your prayers.
Enjoy the weekend -- travel safe and enjoy time with family and friends!
Fr. Garry