I hope everyone had a nice Independence Day and I expect we are all still enjoying a long weekend. It was a nice week to be off for sure.
This week we have another session of the Summer RE Academy, and we also have the seventh grade students who are entering their two-year long more intense preparation for Confirmation. We continue our prayers for them and their families, that they grow in a deeper understanding of, and practice of, our faith over the next two years.
Summer Camp-Out sponsored by SBS also begins this week. This is the second year of the program and attendance this summer has grown significantly. We are happy to be able to offer this summer program to families and to provide the children with a safe and familiar environment for their summer experiences.
Next weekend we will observe the Solemnity of St. Benedict instead of the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time. His actual feast day is this Thursday the 11th, but as we are able to celebrate as a parish family on the Sunday we do so. We continue to pray for his intercession for our parish and the work that we undertake here.
Even though we are in the throes of summer, the work of the parish still continues. We are always happy to take on new volunteers for the Food Pantry, the St. Vincent dePaul Society, the produce garden, summer academy, and for those who are interested in becoming involved in the liturgical ministries: altar server, lector, special minister of Holy Communion, screen operators, and choir members. Make contact with the parish office if you are interested or just curious.
Thank you for your support and generosity to us even during the summer months, Father Garry