This weekend we observe World Mission Sunday. We join Catholics throughout the world in supporting the mission activity of the Church in those places where the church is young, growing, perhaps facing some specific challenges. The support of the missions through the Annual World Mission Appeal helps to support those churches in their mission, and to continue to fulfill the mandate of the Lord to “preach theGospel to the ends of the earth.”
Two weeks ago when I was in Rome, I had the opportunity togo with Father JM to visit his cousin, Msgr. Erwin Aserios Balagapo who works in the Dicastery for the Evangelization of Peoples at the Vatican. Monsignor oversees the work of the church in French-speaking Africa. This means that he works on the appointment of bishops, handles challenges and problems presented by priests, religious, and the laity; adjudicates difficult situations regarding abuse, conflict, and other administrative issues. He has a heavy caseload and works long hours. Yet, much like his cousin, he is a joyful and happy priest, who knows the gravity of his work, yet manages to do so by viewing the bigger picture of evangelization, knowing that he is doing the work of the church. Spending a few hours with him and listening to him, gave me a deeper insight into what this missionary appeal really means, and how it impacts the work of the church.
This weekend we are especially happy to welcome Fr. Peter J. Alindogan, the Diocesan Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in our diocese, he is also pastor of St. Veronica Parish in Howell. Father is celebrating the 11:00 am Mass and is here specifically to recognize Frankie Picciolo, a sixth grade student at SBS who submitted artwork to the Missionary Childhood Association’s annual Christmas Artwork Contest. Frankie was named a national prize winner and his depiction of the Blessed Mother holding Baby Jesus was selected from entries from throughout the nation. We are proud of Frankie and of our school in supporting awareness of the on-going missionary activity of the church.
I am also happy to announce that we have achieved the parish goal of $90,000 for the 2024 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Thank you all for your generosity and support of the work of our diocese. Carol DeMuria, parish liaison to the appeal, and Patti Dickens, parish stewardship director, are instrumental in the work, and I am grateful for their support and dedication to the appeal. If you have yet to make your pledge there are still cards on the tables in the church. Please remember that 50% of all contributions made after we reach our goal come back to the parish.
Otherwise, school and parish activities seem to be going well. More on that later.