We have not had a winter like this in quite a few years and, although it can be disheartening to leave home with temperatures well below freezing, it is also a bit refreshing!
Perhaps that is my Northeast Pennsylvania background coming through.The staff of the parish office is very grateful now for the new HVAC units that were installed over Christmas as we finally have consistent heat here. We ended last winter with portable units in all the offices to keep us warm.
This week we observe Catholic Schools Week. Here at St. Benedict School we are very fortunate to have a vibrant and well-run school. We are all grateful to Mr. Nick Cammarano and Mrs. Megan Gallagher for their leadership in our parish school. We are also in the unique position where they are both parishioners here and Mrs. Gallagher is an alumna of our school and her mother was a beloved teacher here a generation ago as well.
It is also time to think about the Summer Religious Education Academy. Unfortunately, due to the public school schedules in the area, save Holmdel Township, we are unable to offer a week at the end of June. Registration is now open for the three July weeks.
Likewise, the Summer Camp Out registration is open. Information and registration can be found on the St. Benedict School website. It has proven to be a beneficial and fun experience for all involved.
Next weekend we step out of Ordinary Time for the celebration of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. At that Mass, also known as Candlemas, we bless the candles that are used in the church during the upcoming year. As this feast is always on February 2nd, it seldom happens on a Sunday.
Overall, we are working to keep things warm and the parking lots cleared for everyone. Our maintenance staff and outside vendors do a great job keeping everything running smoothly. They are often overlooked, but we are grateful for their hard work and their efforts. Speaking of which, we could use some help part-time in the buildings and grounds department. If interested, please make contact with Rich Romero in the parish office.
I hope everyone has a safe and blessed week ahead, Fr. Garry