This weekend we welcome Father Michael McCormack, O.P. who is preaching the annual Pontifical Missionary Society’s appeal. Father will speak on the work of his religious order, the Dominicans, and it’s mission territory throughout the world. As always, our attentiveness and support are deeply appreciated.
Three weeks ago we launched the ACA (Annual Catholic Appeal). To date we have raised $44,837 in pledges towards out $90,000 goal. Hopefully we can surpass the goal again this year as we do every year. The benefit to our parish and the diocese from the monies raised for this initiative is essential to the social services and education of our seminarians. On the parish level, we are able to use the rebate money to assist with various needed capital improvements. Pledge cards can be found throughout the church. Thank you always for your generosity.
Next weekend we are celebrating our first annual parish picnic. Details are in the bulletin. I hope you will get a chance to stop by. This is a day organized around a simple family day of fun. It will be a nice and inexpensive way to entertain your children, meet with old friends and maybe even make new ones. I look forward to seeing you there!
We are hitting the high point of summer, which is always a fun time of the year. We have already undertaken many new projects in the school and the church so that we can be in tip-top shape for the new school year. The new science lab will be completed this week. It is through the generosity of last year’s raffle and carnival that we are able to make this very necessary improvement to our school. We are not only committed to our primary mission of educating our children in the faith in a community based environment, but we must also prepare them for the academic rigors of high school and the world beyond. This will assist us in that necessary endeavor. Thank you again for your support on this project. When we are all dusted and clean, we will have an open house for the parish, so that everyone can get a walkthrough of the new facility.