We have come to the end of the summer religious education academy and it was a very successful program. This new model of providing for the religious education of the students of our parish seems to be a very positive experience for the students as well as their parents and the wonderful teachers who staff the program. Over 300 members of our parish in grades 1 – 6 completed their academic formation for the year during the three week sessions we held this past month. They are required to attend on-going formation sessions at various times throughout the year. I wish to thank Denise Contino, Matt Santucci, Carol Cesario, and the host of staff and volunteers who assisted during the summer. It is an excellent model of formation and it is already bearing fruit from those involved.
I would be remiss if I did not also offer a hearty “thank you” to Mrs. Trish Hickman, eighth grade teacher in the school, who has coordinated the Vacation Bible School (VBS) in our parish for many years. She is stepping away from the program next year, but has trained and is handing the VBS off to Melanie Bennett. Over forty children attended the program this past June. Thankfully Mrs. Hickman is still teaching in the school.
There is still time to register for the traditional Wednesday afternoon religious education program. There are forms in the Narthex and also available on the parish website. If you are interested in being a volunteer for the program, please make contact with the Faith Formation Office.
The Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life has scheduled two information sessions in order to provide insights into the Diaconate Formation Program. The dates are September 27th and October 10th. The sessions will be held at the Chancery from 7:00-9:00 p.m. If any men out there aged 33 or older are interested, please let me know.
The diocese is inaugurating a new approach to young adult (21 – 30) ministry. This coincides very easily with our own expansion of faith formation to include this age group as well. If you are interested in growing in the experience of faith as well as finding a supportive and interesting group of other young Catholics to associate with, please make contact with Matt in the Faith Formation Office. This is a vital aspect of our efforts at on-going faith formation as a parish community.
There will be more faith formation initiatives for all groups of people – young and old, single and married, families and empty nests coming soon. Please keep up to date with events through the bulletin and the various social media platforms available.
We are making every effort to provide opportunities for all members of our parish to grow in faith, to have the ability to be of service to and in the community, and to have a real sense of a Catholic community in which to feel at home. If you have any ideas, concerns, or interest in getting actively involved, please let us know.