A most blessed Divine Mercy Sunday to all of you. The apparitions to the Polish nun Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament revealed the image of the Divine Mercy along with the expression: “Jesus, I trust in you.” These apparitions, mostly in the 1930’s just before the onslaught of WWII, emphasized the need for conversion and the desire of the Lord to extend his mercy to us.
It seems that in our times, with a world so deeply divided along many distinct lines of separation, turning to the Lord and seeking his mercy is so necessary. It takes humility to recognize one’s need for the Lord’s mercy and healing.
This afternoon at 3 o’clock we will begin our devotions in recognition of this revelation. Our speaker, MaryBeth DiBlasio, will begin the afternoon with a reflection on the power and meaning of mercy, challenging us to experience this mercy in our lives. We will then pray the chaplet together as we hear confessions. Mass begins at 5:00 p.m. Please join us for all or part of the observances.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank again everyone who worked so diligently and passionately to support our celebrations of the Triduum and Easter Day. Our altar servers, cantors, choir, musicians, readers, Eucharistic ministers, office staff, faith formation team, building and grounds crew, and our deacons, all played vital roles in the liturgies and rites, and we owe them a debt of thanks and gratitude.
This weekend we begin our First Holy Communion celebration’s for the year. As the church documents recommend strongly that First Holy Communion be celebrated at a Sunday Mass, all of our celebrations are now on Sunday’s. Most of the students from SBS will receive the Sacrament at a special Mass next Sunday at 3:00 p.m. Some of the SBS students and all of the other children of the parish will receive First Holy Communion at whichever regularly scheduled Mass they wish during this month. This practice enables them to feel a part of their parish as regular communicants, but also gives the parish the opportunity to see and to pray with and for the children.
All of the children to receive Communion are in need of our prayerful support. There are many factors that lead them away from regular reception of Communion, so it is important for us to support them and help them to feel that they are indeed members of our community.
Father JM is leaving this week and will be gone for most of the month of May. He is the sponsor for his cousin’s Confirmation in Los Angeles next weekend, and is then flying home to the Philippines for a friend’s wedding, and some family time. Our prayers are with him for his safety and also for his family.
SBS is holding its first annual Walk-a-Thon to support the construction of the outdoor classroom. Go to the parish website to support the walkers and help us to make this classroom a reality.
As the Spring weather continues to be a blessing to all of us, may we know the joy and majesty of our Heavenly Father and the Resurrected One!