We have come to the end of the summer religious education academy and it was a very successful program. This new model of providing for the religious education of the students of our parish seems to be a very positive experience for the students as well as their parents and the wonderful teachers who staff the program. Read more.
Kudos to Lori McCahill and the marriage ministry for a fun and successful family picnic last weekend! We had great weather and a nice turnout. In conjunction with our patronal feast day (July 11th) we are planning on making this an annual event. Read more.
It is finally beginning to feel like summer out there and it has been wonderful. We have hit the mid-point in July and the slide to the fall is quickly upon us. Soon many of our young adults will be moving on out – off to college or other points beyond. Two years ago we inaugurated our first college send-off Mass and party for those leaving for the first time. This year we decided to modify that send-off for a couple of reasons. Read more.
This weekend we welcome Father Michael McCormack, O.P. who is preaching the annual Pontifical Missionary Society’s appeal. Father will speak on the work of his religious order, the Dominicans, and it’s mission territory throughout the world. As always, our attentiveness and support are deeply appreciated.
We have been blessed with three weddings already this June – July season and have several more on the books for the rest of the year. This is a great blessing to our parish and a hopeful sign of things to come. I know that many parishes would not be very impressed with three weddings at this time of the year, but that is two more than all of last year and one more than all of the year before. Read more.