I trust that everyone had a pleasant Christmas and is enjoying some relaxing family time this week. Father JM, the parish and school staff, and I are grateful for your thoughtfulness and generosity this season. Words are inadequate, really, to express our gratitude. Please be assured of our prayers, and the intention of our Masses, for all of you. Read more.
Happy Fourth Sunday of Advent and as Christmas is Tuesday, we would be hard pressed to call this a week of Advent. I hope that everyone is ready – or at least feels ready – for the Holy Days and holidays that commence this week. Read more.
Dear Fellow Parishioners of St. Benedict: To seek forgiveness of sins in preparation for the coming of the Lord was a key element of the proclamation of St. John the Baptist. Through the great gift of the Sacrament of Confession, we are able to realize that forgiveness through sacramental absolution. During this time of the year, then, we await the coming of the Lord: in celebration at Christmas and in hope at his Second Coming. Today, beginning at 4:00 p.m., we will celebrate Confession for all members of the parish. Some members of the parish, second grade students in the religious education programs, will receive First Penance, and all members of the parish – and certainly all Catholics – are invited to be here to receive the Sacrament. There will be an ample number of priests here to hear confessions. The afternoon is also progressive – while the service begins at 4:00 p.m., we expect to be here for over an hour, so you do not have to be here right at 4:00 p.m. to receive the Sacrament. Read more.
Advent goes really fast. This is the Second Sunday, but I hope you aren’t expecting two more full weeks before Christmas! I hope you like the little tree we decorated next to Father JM’s residence. That tree just screamed, “Decorate me for Christmas” and so we did. We still have the school tree lit as well, hoping to make the property festive as we approach the Holy Days. We are grateful to Eagle Scout-candidate Conor Morris for his construction of a proper crèche to house the beautiful Nativity figures we purchased last year. Read more.
This week we begin the Advent Season in the hope that as we celebrate the coming of the Lord into our hearts and lives this coming Christmas Season, he might take deeper root in us and draw us all closer to him. Read more.