People are often looking for Holy Water to take to their homes for a variety of reasons. Getting water out of the Baptismal Font is not always a good option as it drips water all over the place. Through the generosity of a parishioner we have purchased a more traditional Holy Water dispenser (one with a tap) to make it easier. It is located in the Hall of Saints near the Crucifix. Read more.
What an amazing carnival weekend! The new venue on the campus worked out very well. While a few minor kinks emerged, they were easily adjusted and some further fine-tuning will make next year even better. We set all kinds of records this past weekend, and we couldn’t be happier. I would like to thank the hundreds of volunteers who worked on every level, and the thousands who came out and enjoyed the weekend. Read more.
This is carnival weekend. It is early in the week as I write this and the weather looks very uncertain at this point. We are praying for those who appear to be in harm’s way as Florence bears down on the Carolina’s and Virginia. We will respond through special collections as called for by the diocese and Catholic Relief Services. Hopefully we can all enjoy some of the carnival this weekend. Read more.
September is off to a good start, with a lot of comings and goings. We welcomed 407 students to SBS this past week and, while there were some sad faces that summer was ever, the warmth and enthusiasm of the students, teachers, aides, and staff certainly made-up for it. Read more.
Here we are at Labor Day weekend. When we get here it always seems that summer has gone by too quickly. Granted the weather this past summer was not spectacular, especially on the weekends, I hope you found it to be at least relaxing to spend time away from work and school, and with family and friends. It has been a very busy summer here, and I am excited about the prospects of the fall season. Read more.