Our “Rediscover the Eucharist” event last Saturday was very successful. Thank you to the Faith Formation staff and their team of volunteers, as well as the presenters. We had a good turnout, though like anything else, you always hope for more. Read more.
One of the most poignant and difficult times of our lives is dealing with the passing of a loved one. Often times, we are lost. It is not uncommon that when speaking with the surviving spouse or children in a hospital room after death has occurred that I am asked the question: “what do we do now?” I then gently walk them through the process of calling a funeral home and explaining to them what will happen over the next several days. Read more.
Next Saturday we are hosting a series of talks and events entitled “Rediscover the Eucharist.” Our planning for this event began before the recent survey indicating that only about one-third of Catholics believe in the Real Presence. However, since that survey was released this past summer, the need for such a day has taken on even greater urgency. Read more.
Today at the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop O’Connell will celebrate a Mass for couples who are observing significant anniversaries of marriage this year. While I am always happy to attend, as we have a few couples each year who are celebrating an anniversary, this year we are blessed to have sixteen couples attending. Not only is that a statistic itself worth celebrating, it is also very impressive that these couples – and the many other hundreds from around the diocese, choose to gather with our bishop for this Mass. The celebration will be repeated at the Cathedral in Trenton on October 20th. Read more.