Happy Memorial Day! The summer season has “officially” arrived and I am sure many of you are enjoying the shore at some point this weekend. Let us pray that this is a safe summer for all of us. Read more.
Thank you all for the many ways in which you support our parish. The generosity of time and talent is always impressive, and certainly inspiring to others. It is also true that many of us have been in various forms of ministry, or volunteer, or do committee work for a long time, and that often wears on us as well. Read more.
May is always a busy and exhausting month. There are just so many activities, holidays, and celebrations, that it can seem overwhelming. Today is a day when – at least in theory – we allow our Mother’s to relax and be feted as we celebrate Mother’s Day. Read more.
Next weekend is Mother’s Day and the May crowning. In the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, we are ever-mindful of her guidance of and patronage of the Church and we pray for her intercession for all that we might remain faithful to our call as disciples of Jesus Christ and his Church. May we be earnest and fervent in our prayer. The Motherhood of Mary is even more highlighted now as Pope Francis declared the Monday after Pentecost to be the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church. Read more.
Kathleen Connelly was all smiles as she spoke about the field day-like event that saw youth from different parishes engaging in some friendly competition. “I really like the way it turned out. It took different youth groups, different kids, different high schools, and meshed them together because they have the common interest of being Catholic,” said Connelly, a youth ministry member in Holmdel’s St. Benedict Parish. (Continued in article)