This weekend we are kicking-off the Annual Catholic Appeal as I discussed here last weekend. I am speaking about it more extensively after Communion, and we will see the video at that time. Again, I ask that you prayerfully consider your gift, and want to thank you for your generosity in the past to this campaign. Read more.
Next weekend we will launch the Annual Catholic Appeal for the current year. First, I want to thank everyone who contributed last year to the campaign. Last year, with a goal of $90,000 we raised $102,255.25 therefore we should expect $6,128 in a rebate to the parish. While this is less than previous years, we are fortunate to be one of only 36 parishes to meet their goal. This year our goal will be increasing to $95,000. Read more.
This weekend we are celebrating the World Day of Marriage, when we draw a particular focus on the sanctity of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Our marriage ministry here, under the direction of Lori McCahill – and ably assisted by her husband, Mike – has borne much fruit in its three year history. Not only is our Pre-Cana program still on the forefront of the programs in the diocese, our programs for strengthening and enriching existing marriages has been very positive and successful. This is a time to encourage those of you who for one reason or another are not in sacramentally valid marriages to open yourselves to the conversation and make contact with Lori as how we might make that happen. Some of you will need annulments, a process with which we can certainly assist you. Read more.
Dear Fellow Parishioners of St. Benedict: We had a very successful Catholic School’s Week. It is good to see so many new families walking through our Open House, with the potential for extended and future growth for the school. Enrollment is, of course, always the biggest challenge. The financial sustainability of the school depends on three things: a) enrollment in excess of 440 students; b) benefactor and legacy gifts; c) fund-raising activities. I prioritized them this way intentionally. While bake sales, walk-a-thons, and various PTA activities are community building and fun, they are not sustainable or dependable streams of income. We cannot survive on cookies and Christmas wrap. Read more.