As I get out and speak to more and more of you, to other priests of our diocese and elsewhere, and with other friends and relatives I am becoming increasingly aware of the sense of anger and disappointment that many are feeling – and now able to express – as we have endured this pandemic quarantine for the past four months. Some of this anger is directed at the government – whether the president or the governor, or even both; much of the anger is directed at the “church” whether our diocese, the church as a whole in the USA and the world, and also at us here at St. Benedict’s. Read more.
The role out of the opening of our state and our churches has been fast and furious, but trying to keep up is like aiming at a moving target. Just when we had a system working for the twenty-five person daily Mass attendance, the number doubled to fifty. We are working out those details for seating, cleaning, etc., and they will be announced probably before you read this letter making this a moot point. Nonetheless, we are doing our best here to plan and implement the directives, keeping in mind everyone’s needs, concerns, and desires. This has not been easy, and we are doing our best. Thank you to the team of Father JM, Lori Ulrich, Margaret Roddy, and Anita Magnan for their diligence in getting this all together. We have learned a great deal in the last three months! Read more.
The good news is that the church can open for Mass beginning Monday, June 8th; the bad news is that the required restrictions place a heavy burden on the church and the parishioners. So let me open by saying that I expect this to be a short-term solution as restrictions are eased gradually over the summer months. Read more.
An international gathering of marital experts, presented by Joyful Ever After, and crafted to take your relationship to an entirely new level. June 11-13, 2020