Our Lenten journey is off to a good start here and we are looking forward to the celebrations to come. Unfortunately the snowpack has prevented us from putting up the outdoor devotionals that we had planned, but hopefully we will be able to have that up and running soon. I hope that you are enjoying the modified Soup and Scripture series. There is also another cooking and scripture reflection coming soon! Read more.
This weekend we will inaugurate the Annual Catholic Appeal in our parish. Those of you who are past contributors have already received the promotional materials in the mail. I am sure that some of you have already made your contribution, while others have put it aside to remit later this month. Read more.
This week we begin the Lenten Season. It is hard to believe that it was Lent a year ago when we went into the lockdown. To some extent it seems that our Lenten journey continues. This is the time when we take stock of all things in our spiritual and moral lives, and open ourselves to the challenges and growth where the Lord is calling us. It is a time to heal our brokenness, and to deepen our love of God, neighbor, and self. We will be providing many resources through our website to assist in this journey. We will also be offering Stations of the Cross (Wednesday evening) followed by a reflection in Scripture. Lent is our time to enter the wilderness with Jesus, allow ourselves to be tempted, and pray for the grace to overcome the weaknesses which beset us and cause conflict in our lives. We pray for healing for all of us, that we might come to know the Lord’s loving mercy and compassion in our lives. Read more.
Well, this was quite a week. It has been a long time since we had this much snow. While it is beautiful as it falls, it is certainly a challenge to clean-up (and for us, rather expensive). Unlike the “good old days” – and by that, I mean prior to 2019 – the students in our school did not get to enjoy any snow days as the virtual learning capability means that school can remain “open” even under the worst conditions. We did celebrate Catholic Schools Week, with a great line-up of on-line presenters. Each day the students had a chance to interact with people connected to our school. Unfortunately, many of the other formative and faith-filled aspects of CSW were sacrificed due to the virtual week.