Good Shepherd Sunday – a time for us to think and reflect first on Jesus as the Good Shepherd, the sinless one, who laid down his life for us. This is a beautiful image and one that, even as we are generally unfamiliar with the peculiarities of the lives of shepherds, does nonetheless offer us a very serene and gentle image of Jesus. Read more.
A great feeling is in the air as spring is moving forward and the property is starting to come alive. Of course, for those of us with seasonal allergies this is a mixed blessing, but a blessing nonetheless. Read more.
Our parish last weekend – Easter weekend to be precise – was more alive and abustle than at any time since the lockdown of March 2020. It was awesome seeing so many “old” faces back in the church, many of whom had not been here for a very long time. It almost felt like things were back to normal – almost. Read more.
In the midst of the trials and challenges of the world around us, we as Catholics and Christians live in the “sure and certain hope” of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. That is our defining belief – and the grace that sustains us during these most uncertain times. Read more.