It feels like we have just come to the end of a long and challenging nightmare – well, maybe that’s overstated, but finally this weekend we are able to enter the church without ribbons on the pews marking social distancing and, as we are comfortable, not mandated to wear a mask. Read more.
Happy Pentecost Sunday! Hard to believe that it is already fifty days since we celebrated Easter Sunday, but here we are, the last day of the Easter Season. This weekend we welcome into full communion five members of our parish community who are receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is most fitting that on this day when we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles that we would celebrate this Sacrament. Let us continue in our prayers for them, and for all who seek a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and his church. Read more.
It is with great joy that we welcome Deacon Paul Remick to our parish this weekend. Yes, Paul has been a parishioner here for many years, but on Saturday morning his life changed forever when, through the laying on of hands and the reception of the Gospel Paul was raised to the Order of Deacon by Bishop O’Connell. While only a limited number of guests were permitted to attend the Mass at the Cathedral in Trenton, hopefully many of you were able to view it through the livestream on the Diocese of Trenton website It is archived there if you would like to witness this blessed event. We celebrate with Paul and his wife, Ellen, and their family and are happy to have Paul sharing his ministry in our parish. Read more.
As you likely have already learned, Father JM is being transferred to become parochial vicar at St. Joan of Arc Parish in Marlton. After five years of newly ordained service to our parish, it is time for Father JM to move to another assignment where he will gain exposure to a different pastor and parish setting, so as to prepare him for his eventually becoming a pastor. As much as I have enjoyed his collaboration and friendship over these past five years it is certainly in his best interest and development to broaden his horizons with new parish experiences. Read more.
What a beautiful Spring weekend! Welcome to May, the month when we celebrate our Mothers, and most especially the Blessed Mother. With some sense of a return to normal celebrations the school will hold the May crowning this coming Friday, May 7th. We take this opportunity to thank the Blessed Mother for her intercession and protection on our behalf during this time of pandemic, and pray that we will continue to be blessed in the days and months ahead. Read more.