As we begin our Lenten journey this Wednesday, it is a good time to take stock of our relationship with the Lord and to strengthen our life of prayer and penance. We have scheduled a number of services and Masses on Wednesday for the distribution of ashes. Please check the bulletin or the website for details. I also want to remind everyone of the obligation to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesdays and all Lenten Fridays. Likewise, Wednesday and Good Friday (April 15th) are days of fast. Specifics of what this means can be found in the bulletin. Read more.
It certainly has been a classic February so far, and it is good that we are entering into the last full week of the month! It is that time of the year when we need to pay close attention to the weather reports so we know how to dress. It just always feels odd to go from 60⁰ one day to snow the next! Still, the day light grows longer and the hope of Spring looms. Read more.
As you know, Pope Francis has invited us to be a part of a Synod of 2021-2023 with the goal to become a “Church that listens.” You have heard already from the members of our core team, and we are preparing for the February listening sessions, the first of which is this Wednesday and then the other next Sunday. Read more.
It certainly has felt good to be back celebrating Mass and interacting with the staff of the parish in person. I have, as yet, been reluctant to interact with too many people, but I should be feeling more confident as I get stronger. I do get tired easily and I did start cardio rehab this past week. Read more.