We have concluded the Summer Religious Education Academy, and, overcoming some small hiccups along the way, we have had three excellent weeks of religious education and faith formation. We are most grateful to the tireless work and efforts of Nancy Arkin and Ciro Saverino, along with the bevy of teachers, staff, and volunteers who worked so hard to make this a successful adventure. The feedback has been very positive, and we are looking forward to the family days throughout the year. Read more.
We have truly hit those “dog days of summer!” As we enter the last full week of July we are reminded of how quickly the summer is speeding along. Hopefully everyone has been able to stay cool during the heat wave this past week. I know it looks like we will get some relief this week. I expect that many of us, myself included, will be able to get away for some time in August, so that we can arrive refreshed and ready for the beginning of Fall and the start of school. Read more.
This week begins our three-week session of Summer Religious Education. Nancy Arkin, Director of Faith Formation, Ciro Saverino, Director of Youth/Young Adult Ministry and the coordinator of the Confirmation Program, and a host of volunteers of all ages, are poised and ready to walk with the youth of our parish on their journey of faith. Almost 500 students are registered for the three weeks. There is still some space in weeks two and three if you have yet to register. The Registration for the traditional program and the Confirmation Program on Sunday evenings are also now open. Read more.
A most blessed Fourth of July Weekend to all. This observance reminds us of the uniqueness of our history as a nation and the fundamental principles that guided the vision of the Founders of this country. Among the rights enshrined in the Declaration of Independence are: “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Read more.