Happy Memorial Day weekend -- the “unofficial” beginning of the summer -- and all of that. Of course, and with far greater importance, this weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost -- the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples and the birth of the church. Read more.
It has been a very challenging and difficult week here for the SBS and SJV communities as we deal with the tragic passing of Lauren Hewski, SBS ‘19. Our prayers for her parents, Dennis and Kim, as well as our continued support for them are of prime importance now and in the days ahead. Read more.
Let us begin this weekend by shouting: “Happy Mother’s Day” to all of the wonderful women of our parish who are celebrating and being celebrated today. Today is always a great reminder of the importance of the women role models -- especially our Mothers, Grandmothers, Great Grandmothers -- who shared and spent so much of their lives with and for us. I will get to Pennsylvania later today to see my Mother, who recently turned 90, and celebrate Mother’s Day with her. Read more.
One of the beautiful and long-standing traditions in the church is the annual May crowning celebrations. The school students held their May crowning on Friday after the school Mass, and this weekend after the 11am Sunday Mass we will, hopefully, process outside for the parish event. Please join us in praying and celebrating. Certainly this month our private devotions to the Blessed Mother should highlight prayers for peace throughout the world. Read more.