Thank you for your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal. We have surpassed our goal, which means that 50% of all monies contributed above the goal return now to the parish. Certainly the bishop is grateful for your support. If you have yet to make a contribution to the appeal, pledge cards are available in the narthex and the tables in the church. Read more.
We have now completed the religious education Summer Academy. We are all most grateful to Nancy, Jen, Loretta, Ciro and a host of teachers and volunteers who made the past three weeks as positive, fun, and effective as they have been. We are now gearing up with dates and activities for the fall programs. Read more.
July is certainly flying by, and life here at the parish continues to be busy and productive. We have completed two weeks of the religious education Summer Academy and begin the third and final week this coming Monday. It has been a good two weeks so far -- Nancy Arkin and her team have been very busy, and thanks to their efforts it has all gone extremely well. For this we are very grateful. Of course summer is also a time for planning the coming school year. It looks like we are in good shape for the opening of the year, but I do need to look into some internal remodeling and renovations. I am looking now for an architect who can put some fresh eyes on the facilities. If you know of anyone, please let me know. Thanks. Read more.
This weekend we celebrate the feast of our patron, Saint Benedict. As we have done in years past this feast, though actually on July 11, can be transferred to the nearest Sunday. We are reminded of the significant role that Benedict played in church history, the development of monasticism and the rules for religious life and, indeed, the progress of European culture and history. Benedict, and the thousands of monks and nuns who have lived the Benedictine rule over the past fifteen hundred years, have been an enormous blessing to the church and to the world. We cannot overlook either the contributions of his greatest collaborator, and his twin sister, Saint Scholastica, whose feast is February 10. Read more.
One thing that Catholics learn, sometimes in a very sad way, is the regular transition of pastoral leadership. Unlike Congregationalist churches who hire their own ministers -- of course they can fire them as well -- all of us serve at the pleasure of the Bishop. This weekend we undergo that transition again. Read more.