We are celebrating our Family Fun Weekend this weekend, sadly the weather does not appear to be cooperating with the full activities, but hopefully we are able to generate some fun (and raise some money for the school) out of the process. Read more.
This weekend we observe Catechetical Sunday. This is an opportunity to say “thank you” and to bless and acknowledge the many catechists who serve our parish community. Because of the structure of our faith formation program: the summer sessions; the all-year session; the Confirmation year program; the school religion classes; adult programs and the other sacramental preparation sessions, we have many volunteers and professional staff involved in faith formation. This weekend we will celebrate and bless them in their work and ministry. We owe much to the hard work and deep commitment of Nancy Arkin (Director of Faith Formation), Ciro Saverino (Confirmation Program and Youth and Young Adult Ministry) Lori McCahill (School Religion Coordinator and Marriage Minister) Loretta Assini (Administrative Assistant) and Margaret Roddy (Sacrament Coordinator). We are still looking for a part-time assistant to Nancy in the Faith Formation Office. See the bulletin for more details. Read more.
School is off to a banner start this week, and seems to be running smoothly. Our new administration team (Nicholas Camarrano and Meghan Gallagher) is making its impact on the school and it looks like we are poised for a strong year ahead. There are still families calling to express interest in attending, and we are fortunate to have openings in some of the grades. Read more.
I hope everyone has an enjoyable Labor Day Weekend. It looks like we should have some nice weather, and it is a great time to be able to get together for that end-of-summer bbq. Our teachers were back last week and the students arrive on Wednesday for the opening of another school year -- the sixty-second school year -- at St. Benedict School. Enrollment is strong --- somewhere over 450 --- and we are poised and ready to go. Read more.