We have just come through a most beautiful stretch of fall weather, but we certainly need some rain. We are on target for the least amount of rain in any October since they have been keeping records. Praying for rain is not a bad thing to do. There is even a Votive Mass for rain in the Roman Missal. Read more.
This weekend we observe World Mission Sunday. We join Catholics throughout the world in supporting the mission activity of the Church in those places where the church is young, growing, perhaps facing some specific challenges. The support of the missions through the Annual World Mission Appeal helps to support those churches in their mission, and to continue to fulfill the mandate of the Lord to “preach theGospel to the ends of the earth.” Read more.
We are certainly enjoying some beautiful autumnal weather here, much in contrast to our neighbors to the South who have been overwhelmed by two devastating hurricanes over the past two weeks. We not only continue our prayers for the suffering but are also compelled by our desire to do something. Because the easiest way to offer assistance is through the local community, it is best to support the local church in the devastated areas. Catholic Charities USA can get money and supplies on the ground quickly, but so do the local dioceses directly affected by the storms. Check the websites of any diocese in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, or elsewhere to contribute to them directly. Read more.
As I write this letter I am on a bus making the short journey from Rome to Assisi. Of course, by the time you read this letter, I will be back in Holmdel. First, let me apologize for the absence of a letter in last week’s bulletin. I was remiss and did not get it submitted on time. Read more.