I am sure many of you are, like myself, traveling this week for the Thanksgiving celebrations. Blessings to all of you, and thank you for all that you do with and for our parish community, and the many constituencies we serve here. While as Catholics we celebrate thanksgiving every day -- the Eucharist which itself means thanksgiving -- we do nonetheless focus this week on family, health, and the freedoms that we enjoy living here in the USA. Let us never take these for granted and instead, not only celebrate but also remember to pray for those who lack what we have. Read more.
I know it’s a bit shocking to see the Christmas trees in the narthex this early in the season, but it is the best way to get the message out there that this season of giving is underway. Thank you for your generous response to this initiative.
The election is over; the campaigning has ended, and now it istime for us all to pray for the new leadership in our country -- our new president, the new senator from our state -- and all those who have been elected to office. These are not easy times and there is much to address. Hopefully we as a nation transition power more smoothly now than we did in either of the past two presidential elections. Read more.
The month of November is set aside by the Church as the period when we remember the poor souls. I want to encourage everyone to offer at least one Rosary this month for the intentions of the faithful departed, especially those of your own families, the members of our parish, and in a particular way for those who have no one to pray for them. We will celebrate our annual All Souls Mass for those buried from our parish over the past year on Tuesday, November 19th at 7:00 pm. All members of the parish are invited to attend. Read more.