Happy Memorial Day weekend. We remember now those who lost their lives in service to our country. Given the long and rich history of New Jersey, we can reflect on the struggle here for independence as many died in that cause just a few miles from here, and continuing through the many wars, conflicts, and military actions up and until the present. Remembering the past also brings challenges for the present and future as we pray that peace will prevail in our times, and that the conflicts presently raging in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Sudan, Burundi and elsewhere come to quick, peaceful, and sustainable resolutions. I am sure that many of your families, like my own, have lost relatives to war over the years. Read more.
May seems to be speeding along at a rapid rate with Memorial Day already next weekend. I know the weather hasn’t felt much like Spring, yet, but we are now closer to the Summer Solstice than to the Spring Equinox. Read more.
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. This feast, commemorating the moment when Jesus, forty days after his resurrection, delivered his final instructions to the disciples and ascended to the Right Hand of the Father, propels us to Pentecost Sunday. We are reminded of the commission from Jesus to preach the Gospel and to baptize all nations. Read more.
This weekend we observe the May Crowning at the 11:00 am Mass. This time-honored tradition draws our focus to the intercession of the Blessed Mother in the life of the church, reminding us of her role in salvation history, and in our own spiritual lives. This is a good time to add the Rosary to our daily prayer devotion, and to seek her intercession in our needs. However, it is also a noble thing to take the time to express our gratitude for her presence with us, her on-going intercession, and the inspiration that she is and offers to us and to the church. Read more.