165 Bethany Road
Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
For our Existing Donors:
Thank you for using online giving for your support of our parish. Online giving is safe, simple, and convenient. It benefits our parish by helping to streamline our administrative process and providing more accurate budgeting. Our current online giving provider, ParishPay, has been acquired by Liturgical Publications. All ParishPay accounts will be transitioned to WeShare, LPi’s online giving platform, early in the fall. You do not need to do anything for this transition process. Your information will be transferred electronically following the strictest security protocol. Once the transition is complete, you will receive more information about how to log in and manage your account on WeShare.
For New Donors:
Thank you for considering online giving for your support of our parish. Online giving is safe, simple, and convenient. It benefits our parish by helping to streamline our administrative process and providing more accurate budgeting. Please set up your online giving using the link provided here on our website. Our current online giving provider, ParishPay, has been acquired by Liturgical Publications. All ParishPay accounts will be transitioned to WeShare, LPi’s online giving platform, early in the fall. You do not need to do anything for this transition process. Your information will be transferred electronically following the strictest security protocol. Once the transition is complete, you will receive more information about how to log in and manage your account on WeShare.
To strengthen stewardship at St. Benedict, please consider utilizing a new and easier way to support your parish...
Online Giving.
What is Online Giving?
An alternate means of support for St. Benedict instead of envelopes. In lieu of weekly collections, the WeShare online giving program will collect monthly contributions from your checking, savings, or credit card account. There is NO cost to participate in the program.
What are the benefits?
How does it relate to the use of the weekly envelopes?
If you choose to participate in the Online Giving Program, it will replace your donation submitted in the weekly envelope. However, we still require an empty envelope be dropped in the collection basket each week. You will continue to receive envelopes from our parish.
What about Special Collections?
You can specify your giving level for Special Collections and special celebration dates (e.g., Christmas, Easter) when you join the Online Giving Program, or anytime thereafter.
Q: What is the Online Giving Program?
A: It is an automated means to financially support the parish through monthly contributions from your checking, savings or credit card account. There is NO cost to you to participate in the program.
Q: How do I enroll?
A: You can enroll by filling out an enrollment form in the Gathering Space or Parish Office, signing up directly on the WeShare website at https://www.parishpay.com/non
Q: Can I contribute to second collections including both parish and diocesan collections?
A: Yes, all automated giving participants have the opportunity to contribute to second and special collections at the parish, including Christmas, Easter, St. Vincent DePaul Society and more.
Q: How does a parishioner change his/her information such as the amount of the donation, bank account number or mailing address?
A: The parishioner can these changes directly by visiting the website at https://www.parishpay.com/non
Q: Which payment methods are accepted?
A: Automated transfers from your checking or savings accounts or major credit cards such as American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover may be used to make monthly contributions.
Q: Does the parishioner receive receipts for tax purposes?
A: Yes, all contributors enrolled with WeShare can print out an annual receipt directly from the website every January, which they can use for IRS documentation.
Q: Can I donate a one-time gift or pledge for a specific term?
A: Yes, one-time gifts are graciously accepted. Participants can also arrange for a specific amount to be paid over a number of months.